Đặt câu với từ "pericarditis|pericarditides"

1. Constrictive pericarditis; In particular, cardiac tamponade and Constrictive pericarditis (especially effusive-Constrictive pericarditis) have a poor prognosis

2. Restrictive Pericarditis.

3. What Happens In Constrictive Pericarditis?

4. Looks like pericarditis. ( phone ringing )

5. Pericarditis, cardiac tamponade

6. • Chronic constrictive pericarditis Diagnostic Tests

7. I mean, could it be pericarditis?

8. What about acute pericarditis?

9. Untreated, Caseous pericarditis is the most common antecedent to chronic constrictive pericarditis of a

10. Less frequently, periCarditis, endoCarditis, myoCarditis, pericardial effusion, …

11. Pericarditis Gradual or sudden Retrosternal, anterior chest

12. abnormal EKG consistent with myocarditis or pericarditis

13. Acute pericarditis and/or subacute bacterial endocarditis

14. ● Constrictive pericarditis – Constrictive pericarditis is the result of scarring and consequent loss of the normal elasticity of the pericardial sac

15. Other heart disease, e.g. cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, heart failure

16. The other had cardiac failure from septic pericarditis.

17. Okay, um, Nyah's pericarditis is quite severe.

18. • Metastatic infection such as meningitis, endocarditis, pericarditis, peritonitis, empyema

19. Acute pericarditis is caused by several factors; cardiac tamponade with pericarditis or pericardial effusion is associated with circulatory compromise and may be life–threatening.

20. With chronic Constrictive pericarditis, the pericardium has become stiff and thick

21. Sjogren's could have given him chronic pericarditis and cerebral arteritis.

22. The most common cause is idiopathic or non-specific pericarditis.

23. Other serious adverse events include heart block, respiratory insufficiency, asphyxia and pericarditis.

24. Acute pericarditis is an inflammatory disease of the pericardium of variable etiology.

25. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have investigated the use of colchicine and conventional therapy for reducing the recurrence of pericarditis in patients with acute pericarditis or post-pericardiotomy syndrome.

26. Conditions that can cause Constrictive pericarditis include: Autoimmune disease

27. Constrictive pericarditis is long-term, or chronic, inflammation of the pericardium

28. Constrictive pericarditis is a rare disease with an often unclear etiology.

29. Between 1973 and 1975, 19 patients were treated for uremic pericarditis.

30. evidence of myocarditis or pericarditis on histologic examination of heart tissue

31. Because the larvae and remnants of larval cuticula could be demonstrated in the pericardium and in the pericardial adhesions this type of pericarditis is referred to as pericarditis verminosa.

32. Constrictive pericarditis is the chronic inflammation of the pericardial sac surrounding the heart

33. Restrictive myopathy and chronic pericarditis increase risk and have to be clarified.

34. Myocarditis or pericarditis must meet at least one of the following criteria:

35. Invasive disease includes meningitis, bacteraemia, epiglottitis, pneumonia, pericarditis, septic arthritis or empyema.

36. A Constrictive pericarditis (CP) is a relatively uncommon form of clinical heart failure

37. There were three relapses of pericarditis within nine months. Their course was benign.

38. The American Heart Association explains treatments for periCarditis and how it can be prevented.

39. Cardiac manifestations may include conduction disturbances, and also myocarditis, pericarditis, and left ventricular dysfunction.

40. Echocardiography provides an important opportunity to evaluate for Constrictive pericarditis, and …

41. The patient in this case was diagnosed with Constrictive pericarditis (CP)

42. Constrictive pericarditis is a chronic inflammation that occurs in the pericardium

43. Newbie, start a drain on the purulent pericarditis in bed 23.

44. Intrapericardial administration of streptokinase in purulent pericarditis is effective and safe.

45. Calcification of the pericardium is usually preceded by a prior episode of pericarditis or trauma

46. Substantial progress has been made in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pericarditis and epicarditis and in the practically universal recommendation of colchicine for all forms of pericarditis and pericardial effusion, whether acute, chronic or recurrent.

47. Several unique features of acute tamponade and constrictive pericarditis require careful perioperative consideration.

48. The serious complications include pericarditis, pulmonary and cutaneous nodules, episcleritis, and rheumatoid vasculitis.

49. Acute pericarditis can also represent a medical emergency due to chest pain of upsetting intensity.

50. Certain extra-articular manifestations are common, including rheumatoid nodules, arteritis, peripheral neuropathy, keratoconjunctivitis, pericarditis and splenomegaly.

51. It is still controversial whether the arrhythmias in acute pericarditis are of myocardial or pericardial origin.

52. Velocity-encoded flow measurements were performed at the atrioventricular valves in nine patients with constrictive pericarditis.

53. Pericardial constriction is typically chronic, but variants include subacute, transient, and occult Constrictive pericarditis.

54. The differentiation of restrictive cardiomyopathy and Constrictive pericarditis has been a perennial problem in clinical cardiology

55. On the contrary, incidence of transitory atrial fibrillation was higher in acute pericarditis, than in myocarditis.

56. Fibrinous pericarditis was found on dissection in a pigeon with antibody titer of 1:128.

57. Myocarditis, pericarditis and pleural effusion as secondary immunological reactions due to meningococcal meningitis are rare.

58. Histopathological findings are characterised by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, pleuritis and fibrinous pericarditis and infiltrated pneumonitis.

59. Cardiac involvement is characterized by acute and constrictive pericarditis, myocarditis and endocarditis, as well as ischemic cardiomyopathy.

60. He died in Paris in 1849 at the age of 39, probably of pericarditis aggravated by tuberculosis.

61. Constrictive pericarditis is a process where the sac-like covering of the heart (the pericardium) becomes thickened and scarred

62. Acute uremia is a syndrome of gastrointestinal symptoms, pericarditis, pleuritis, and central nervous system alterations ending with coma.

63. The diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis should be considered in any patient with unexplained right heart failure.

64. Evidence of Constrictive pericarditis (a late occurrence when present) Percutaneous and surgical techniques may be considered for such patients

65. Constrictive pericarditis prevents the heart muscle from expanding during filling and affects the function of the heart

66. Acute Pericarditis Definition An inflammatory process with a wide spectrum of causes, occurring with or without effusion.

67. Histopathological findings are characterised by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, pleuritis and fibrinous pericarditis and infiltrated pneumonitis

68. Recent trial data have shown that colchicine is efficient in the secondary prevention of recurrent episodes of pericarditis.

69. Constrictive pericarditis is characterized by a fibrous thickened pericardial layer which prevents the cardiac chambers from regular filling.

70. Constrictive pericarditis is a potentially curable condition caused by a variety of situations which result in inflamed, scarred, thickened, or calcified pericardium.

71. The clinical picture of right ventricular insufficiency can also be imitated in constrictive or adhesive pericarditis and pericardial tamponade.

72. Effusive–Constrictive pericarditis is an uncommon pericardial syndrome characterized by concomitant tamponade, caused by tense pericardial effusion, and constriction, caused by the visceral

73. Constrictive Pericarditis is seen with a fibrotic, thickened pericardium, which insulates the ventricle and constricts the ventricle from fully relaxing during diastole

74. Constrictive pericarditis is the result of encasement of the heart by a thick and inelastic pericardium that limits the heart volume (Figure 1)

75. Life-threatening hyperkalemia, acute overload pulmonary edema generating severe hypoxemia and uremic complications (pericarditis and encephalopathy) are the only indisputable emergency RRT criteria.

76. Constrictive pericarditis is a disease involving scarring and loss of elasticity of the pericardium surrounding the heart, leading to impaired filling

77. We describe a patient given induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukemia who developed pulmonary aspergillosis that resulted in pericarditis and pneumopericardium.

78. Overview Effusive-Constrictive pericarditis is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by concurrent pericardial effusion and pericardial constriction, [ 1] with Constrictive hemodynamics being

79. Pathological and histhopathological examination revealed organ changes, e.g., spleen enlargement, liver degeneration, enteritis, opacified air sacs, and fibrinous pericarditis, indicative of chlamydiosis.

80. Constrictive pericarditis requires surgical treatment and is usually curable, while restrictive cardiomyopathy, short of cardiac transplantation, is treatable only by medical means and often responds unsatisfactorily.